They were covered with water
Genesis 7:19 - The floodwaters rose so high that they covered all the high mountains under the whole heaven.
During which feast would the High Priest enter the Holy of Holies?
| Day of Atonement | Feast of Tabernacles | Passover | Feast of Trumpets |
When leprosy covered the whole body the leper was considered to be clean. True or false?
| False | True |
Fill in the missing word(s) : They that are whole need not a physician; but they that are _____
Mountains in scripture - which is the odd one out?
| Ebal | Ammah | Horeb | Sinai |
Why did Jesus say, " They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick"?
| Because one of his disciples fell ill | Because he refused to eat at the house of a Pharisee | Because the Pharisees criticised him for healing a blind man | Because the Pharisees criticised him for eating with publicans and sinners |
To what depth were the mountains covered by the floodwaters?
| Fifteen cubits | Five cubits | Ten cubits | Twenty cubits |
In what month and day did the ark come to rest on the mountains of Ararat?
| Tenth day of the first month | Seventeenth day of the seventh month | First day of the tenth month | Fourteenth day of the fifth month |