Genesis 10:11 - Nineveh, part of Assyria, was established by Nimrod, indicating his role in the early urbanization in Mesopotamia, an area crucial to later Biblical narratives.
Which of these cities was not part of Nimrod's kingdom?
| Accad | Haran | Babel | Erech |
Several cities are mentioned as being made desolate and becoming a dwelling-place for dragons, but which of these is not one of them?
| Hazor | Jericho | Jerusalem | Babylon |
Can you name one of the cities mentioned in Jude?
Which of these cities was not a city of refuge?
| Jericho | Golan | Kedesh | Hebron |
Nimrod was a farmer?
| False | True |
Who was the father of Nimrod, the mighty hunter?
| Ham | Mizraim | Cush | Canaan |
Who was king of the southern kingdom when the northern kingdom of Israel fell to Assyria?
| Hezekiah | Jehoram | Manasseh | Asa |
How many cities of refuge were on the east side of Jordan?
| 2 | 3 | 4 | 1 |
How many cities did the Levites possess?
| 12 | 48 | 36 | 24 |
For what sin were the cities of refuge created?
| Blasphemy | Accidental murder | Adultery | Theft |