Human understanding
Job 5:9 - Eliphaz emphasizes that God performs great and unsearchable wonders, underscoring the idea that God's ways are beyond human comprehension.
How did Korah and his family die after seeking priesthood duties beyond those they already had?
| They were swallowed up by the earth | They were trampled by seven yoke of oxen | They were consumed by fire | The mountain crumbled beneath their feet and they fell |
Job claims that his friends' advice has been as nourishing as what?
| Honey | Rotten fruit | Tasteless food | A bitter herb |
Which apostle, described as full of grace and power, and doing great wonders and signs among the people was stoned to death?
| Timothy | Barnabas | Stephen | Paul |
Where did people gather as the apostles performed signs and wonders?
| The Temple Stairs | The Sheep Market | The Beautiful Gate | Solomon's Porch |
Eliphaz expresses doubt that God places full trust in whom?
| His kings | His chosen people | His servants | His prophets |
Eliphaz states that God does what to the lowly?
| He humbles them further | He tests them | He lifts them up | He leaves them alone |
Eliphaz mentions that God saves the needy from what?
| The sword of their mouth | The arrow of the wicked | The flood of destruction | The trap of the hunter |
Eliphaz assures Job that if he turns to God, he will be in league with what?
| The stars of the sky | The stones of the field | The waters of the deep | The beasts of the forest |
How many times does Eliphaz say God will deliver you before guaranteeing no harm in the final one?
| Three times, with no harm in the fourth | Seven times, with no harm in the eighth | Six times, with no harm in the seventh | Five times, with no harm in the sixth |
What did the Lord in his anger tell Eliphaz to take to Job as a burnt offering?
| Five lambs and five ephahs of grain | Two pigeons and two turtle doves | Six goats and six oxen | Seven bulls and seven rams |