1 Sam 10:1 - the Israelites wanted a human king and God, giving in to their request, chose Saul. David was to be his successor.
King, Prophet or Apostle? : Samuel
| Prophet | Apostle | King |
Who went to the tomb of Jesus with Mary Magdalene and Mary (mother of James) to anoint Jesus?
| Elizabeth | Martha | Joanna | Salome |
What type of oil was traditionally used to anoint the priests?
| Sunflower | Palm | Olive | Coconut |
What did the people demand from Samuel?
| Lower taxes | More Psalms to be written | A better army | A king |
When Samuel was called by the Lord as a child, who did he think was calling?
| The Lord | Hannah | Eli | Moses |
Who did Samuel run to at night thinking he had called him?
| Eli | David | Abraham | Jesse |
After the first king of Israel failed God, what was the name of the second king anointed?
| Abijah | David | Jonathan | Solomon |
Israel split into two kingdoms after the reign of King Solomon, with Israel in the north, but what was the name of the southern kingdom?
| Judah | Philistia | Syria | Edom |