Acts 4:36-37
What did Barnabas sell to contribute money to the apostles?
| A pearl of great price | Land | Possessions | Livestock |
Who did Joseph's brothers sell him to?
| Philistines | Shechemites | Ishmaelites | Egyptians |
Who did Jesus raise from the dead by a prayer of thanks to God?
| Moses | Malchus | Lazarus | The widow of Nain's son |
In the parable of the labourers in the vineyard how much was each person paid to work?
| 10 pence | 100 pence | 50 pence | 1 pence |
How does Paul tell us to work out our own salvation?
| By reading our Bible often | With fear and trembling | By obeying Paul's words | In hope and charity |
The Prodigal Son was hired to work as a shepherd
| True | False |
Whose son did Elijah raise from the dead?
| Hezekiah | The widow of Nain | The widow of Zarephath | Naomi |
Whose 12 year old daughter did Jesus raise from the dead?
| Jairus | The Samaritan woman | The centurion | Peter |
What woman did Peter raise from the dead?
| Anna | Eunice | Dorcas | Lydia |