Dove & Pigeon
Gen 15:9
What birds did God provide for the children of Israel to eat during their exodus from Egypt?
| Pigeons | Turtledoves | Ostriches | Quails |
On which day of creation did God create birds?
| 5th | 4th | 2nd | 3rd |
Where did God send Abraham to sacrifice his special son?
| Salem | Beersheba | Moriah | Paran |
What did God ask Abraham to sacrifice to him on Mount Moriah?
| A turtledove | His only son | A ram | His wife |
How did God respond when he smelled Noah’s sacrifice after the flood?
| He promised never to curse the ground again | He commanded Noah to build a temple | He sent rain as a blessing | He gave Noah a sign in the sky |
God created birds and fish on the fifth day of creation
| True | False |
What did Abraham's special son carry to the sacrifice?
| The rope | A lamb | The wood | An altar |
What sacrifice did Mary and Joseph offer when the days of purification were complete after Jesus' birth?
| A young lamb | Two turtledoves or pigeons | A young goat | A young lamb and two pigeons |
Which prophet said that Ahab's people would be eaten by birds?
| Elijah | Elisha | Isaiah | Jeremiah |
Who had a dream about birds eating from a basket on his head?
| Joseph | Pharaoh's butler | Pharaoh | Pharaoh's baker |