Threatened to divide the child
Who said, "When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away the childish things" ?
| Paul | Jesus | Peter | John |
How long did Solomon reign over Israel?
| 30 years | 20 years | 50 years | 40 years |
Israel split into two kingdoms after the reign of King Solomon, with Israel in the north, but what was the name of the southern kingdom?
| Edom | Judah | Philistia | Syria |
Finish the proverb: The rod and reproof give wisdom, but a child left to himself...
| Shows his mother to be of a timid spirit | Breaketh his mother's heart | Bringeth his mother to shame | Will spoil his mother's future |
For how long did David reign over Judah before he became king of Israel?
| Twelve days | Seven and a half years | Six months | Three years |
How many times did Elijah stretch himself over the widow's dead son before he was revived?
| Four | Two | Three | One |
What did Joseph do for Pharaoh that got him promoted to second in command over Egypt?
| Uncovered a plot to murder Pharaoh | Healed his sickness | Rescued his daughter | Interpreted dreams |
What did Job lament over to begin with?
| His wealth | His birth | His health | His family |