Gen 2:2-3
Seven fat and seven thin of what animals appeared to Pharoah in Egypt?
| Goats | Cattle | Horses | Sheep |
Which day of creation included God making night separate from day?
| Second | First | Third | Fourth |
True or False: According to Joel, the Day of the Lord would be a day of cheerfulness and light.
| True | False |
What river did Naaman have to wash in seven times to become clean?
| Pharpar | Euphrates | Abana | Jordan |
Why did Job’s friends sit with him in silence for seven days?
| They were observing a religious tradition | They were unsure of what to say | They saw how great his suffering was | They wanted to respect his mourning |
Which of the seven churches in Revelation is listed first?
| Ephesus | Philadelphia | Pergamos | Smyrna |
When Job had his fortune restored he was blessed with seven sons and three daughters. Which of these was not a daughter of Job?
| Keren-happuch | Kezia | Naomi | Jemima |
What colour was the dragon in Revelation that had seven heads and ten horns?
| Black | Gold | Red | Green |