It was good
Gen 1:31
In the Bible or Not? : "A feast is made for laughter, wine makes life merry, and money is the answer for everything."
| Not | Bible |
What reward did Jesus say the 12 apostles would get for forsaking everything and following him?
| You will have crowns of gold and sceptres of silver | You will have riches and honour | You will walk on streets paved with gold | You will sit on 12 thrones judging the 12 tribes of Israel |
It took God ____ days to create the world and everything in it
How did Paul say we should let our requests be made known to God?
| By prayer and supplication with thanksgiving | By praise, worship and thanksgiving | By thanking God for all our blessings first | With hearts full of thankfulness |
To whom did Jesus say "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God"?
| John | Nicodemus | Peter | Nathanael |
The Jews made an oath to neither eat or drink until they had killed whom?
| Stephen | Herod | Paul | Jesus |
Which king had a dream about a statue made of different metals?
| Nabopolassar | Evil-Merodach | Nebuchadnezzar | Merodach-baladan |
Elijah made an axe head float which had fallen into the water
| False | True |
After the prodigal son had spent all his money and famine had come along, what job did he get?
| Sweeping streets | Building houses | Herding sheep | Feeding pigs |