Who advised Moses that it was too burdensome for him to personally judge everyone's matters and to appoint judges instead?
| Phinehas | Jethro | Eleazar | Aaron |
Which respected Pharisee advised the Jews to let the apostles alone because if their message was truly from God, no man could fight against them?
| Gamaliel | Gabriel | Caiaphas | Annas |
Which father came to Jesus to seek help for his little daughter who lay at the point of death?
| Simeon | Lazarus | Jairus | Cornelius |
Job compares his friends' help to what unreliable natural phenomenon?
| A setting sun | A dry stream | A crumbling mountain | A fleeting breeze |
Which animals skins, dyed red, were used as an offering to help make the tabernacle?
| Badgers | Goats | Lambs | Rams |
How many men were ordered to help rescue Jeremiah from the dungeon?
| 50 | 6 | 30 | 12 |
A man named Stephen of Cyrene was ordered to help carry the cross of Jesus?
| True | False |
From which country did Moses help the Israelites escape from their lives of slavery?
| Moab | Midian | Egypt | Edom |
What does the Bible say Judas "received" from the chief priests and Pharisees to enable him to help arrest Jesus?
| A band of men and officers | A legion of Roman soldiers | A multitude of the common people | The chief leaders of the people |