What did Saul see on the road to Damascus?
| A vision of the future | A shining light from heaven | A multitude of angels praising God | A vision of the risen Lord Jesus |
What happened to the believers at Samaria when Peter and John laid their hands on them?
| They were healed | Nothing | They fainted | Given Holy Spirit |
Paul's conversion began on the road to Damascus
| True | False |
Which Parable is this from? : Now by chance a priest was going down that road, and when he saw him he passed by on the other side.
| Friend at midnight | Humbled guest | Alert servants | Good Samaritan |
Who prayed for the Lord to strike the Syrian army with blindness?
| Elisha | Samuel | David | Saul |
Lazarus was healed of his blindness by Jesus
| False | True |
One of the 10 plagues on Egypt was blindness
| True | False |
How did Paul escape from Damascus?
| Through a tunnel under the city | Disguised as a soldier | In a basket down the city wall | On horseback through the rear gate |
What was the name of the temple gate at which the lame man was laid daily?
| East gate | Golden gate | Upper gate | Beautiful gate |