Rev 13:2
Three unclean spirits came out of the dragon's mouth in Revelation, but what did they look like?
| Silver coins | Frogs | Tongues of fire | Serpents |
What was the beast from the earth like?
| He had a voice that spake blasphemies | He had seven heads and ten horns | He had the face of a bear and the tail of a dragon | He had two horns like a lamb and he spake as a dragon |
What colour was the dragon in Revelation that had seven heads and ten horns?
| Gold | Black | Red | Green |
In Revelation, unclean spirits came out of the mouth of the dragon, in the form of what animals?
| Frogs | Scorpions | Goats | Lice |
For how many years was the dragon bound in Revelation?
| 70 | 1000 | 144000 | 120 |
The seven headed dragon in Revelation was green
| False | True |
Who complained of being swallowed up like a dragon by King Nebuchadnezzar?
| Isaiah | Ezekiel | Jeremiah | Daniel |
What did the New Jerusalem look like, in the book of Revelation?
| Like a bride | Like a heavenly cloud | Like a king | Like a golden city |
Who "wailed like the dragons" and "mourned like the owls" in his lament of the coming judgement on Israel and Judah?
| Hosea | Micah | Joel | Malachi |