Rev 16:13
In Revelation, unclean spirits came out of the mouth of the dragon, in the form of what animals?
| Frogs | Scorpions | Goats | Lice |
What did a leper have to cover when crying out 'unclean, unclean'?
| Feet | Upper lip | Ears | Head |
What did the New Jerusalem look like, in the book of Revelation?
| Like a king | Like a heavenly cloud | Like a bride | Like a golden city |
The beast that looked like a leopard in Revelation had what characteristic of a dragon?
| Belly | Feet | Mouth | Tail |
In the Bible or Not? : "Books are like mirrors: if a fool looks in, you cannot expect a genius to look out."
| Not | Bible |
In the vision of Jesus, what came out of Jesus' mouth?
| Righteous words | A sharp sword | Seven stars | A song of glory |
What colour was the dragon in Revelation that had seven heads and ten horns?
| Green | Black | Gold | Red |