Luke 23:32 - There were two others, Jesus was in the middle
There were ____ other men crucified alongside Jesus
Jesus was crucified on a hill known as Golgotha?
| True | False |
Where was Jesus crucified?
| Emmaus | Mount of Olives | Golgotha | Gethsemane |
What was the name of the place where Jesus Christ was crucified?
| Gerasa | Machpelah | Gethsemane | Golgotha |
Judas was crucified for betraying Jesus
| False | True |
Other than the Psalms, which is the only other Old Testament book that begins with the letter 'P'?
Other than in Exodus, in which other book of the Bible can we find the Ten Commandments recorded?
| Leviticus | Deuteronomy | Numbers | Genesis |
During the transfiguration, who appeared to Jesus and the three disciples?
| Enoch and Solomon | Moses and Elijah | Abraham and David | Adam and Noah |
Who when accused of being with Jesus lied and said that he did not know him, three times?
| Paul | Peter | A Roman centurion | Barnabas |