2 Ki 5:1
Which prophet did the young maid of Naaman's wife suggest could heal Naaman of his leprosy?
| Isaiah | Elisha | Jeremiah | Elijah |
What was the affliction of Bartimaeus?
| Dumb | Deaf | Lame | Blind |
Aeneas was confined to bed for eight years suffering from the palsy, but which town did he dwell in?
| Iconium | Lydda | Lystra | Antioch |
How many years had the woman with the issue of blood been suffering with her problem, before Jesus healed her?
| 16 years | 12 years | 8 years | 4 years |
What did Job’s wife suggest he do in his suffering?
| Seek help from friends | Pray for healing | Curse God and die | Abandon his faith |
Eliphaz suggests that suffering is a result of what?
| Satan’s influence | Divine misunderstanding | Random chance | Human sin and error |
Naaman was instructed by Elisha to dip himself in the river Jordan ____ times
Which river was Naaman told to wash in to rid himself of leprosy?
| Pharpar | Euphrates | Jordan | Abana |
Naaman the leper was commander of which army?
| Philistine | Syrian | Amalekite | Canaanite |