Heb 11:7
Who was Paul referring to when he said, "May the Lord grant mercy to his household, for he often refreshed me and was not ashamed of my chains"?
| Barnabas | Philemon | Onesiphorus | Timothy |
Who stole her father's household gods?
| Leah | Ruth | Rachel | Naomi |
What does faith require to make it a living faith?
| Works | Baptism | Compassion | Repentance |
What feast was instituted when Queen Esther saved the Jews from destruction?
| Hanukkah | Passover | Atonement | Purim |
What festival was instituted to celebrate the fact that the Jews were saved?
| Tabernacles | Passover | Atonement | Purim |
How many people were saved in the ark?
| Six | Eight | Five | Seven |
Which king was saved from death by Abraham's prayer?
| Ahab | Ahaziah | Abimelech | Ahasuerus |