Jesus' garment
Matt 9:21
How many years has the woman with the issue of blood suffered for before she was healed by Jesus?
| 19 years | 17 years | 20 years | 12 years |
How many years had the woman with the issue of blood been suffering with her problem, before Jesus healed her?
| 8 years | 4 years | 12 years | 16 years |
What did Uzzah touch which resulted in his death?
| Angel | Poisoned Arrow | Ark | Serpent |
How did Jesus say we should worship God when he was talking to the woman at the well?
| In love and peace | With your body and mind | With your whole heart | In spirit and truth |
Jesus met the woman by the well in Samaria
| True | False |
What kind of water does Jesus discuss with the Samaritan woman at the well?
| Rain water | Living water | Salt water | Well water |
In which gospel would you find... The Woman at the Well in Samaria?
| Luke | John | Mark | Matthew |
For how many days did Goliath issue his challenge to the Israelites?
| Thirty | Ten | Twenty | Forty |
What equipment did Gideon issue to his soldiers?
| A trumpet, a pitcher and a torch | The ark of God, a sword and a trumpet | A sword, a shield and a helmet | Slings and stones |
What did Moses do with the blood of the sacrifices after reading the Book of the Covenant?
| Sprinkled it on the people | Poured it over the Covenant | Drank it | Painted it on an ox |