2 Ti 1:5
What does faith require to make it a living faith?
| Works | Repentance | Baptism | Compassion |
Aeneas was confined to bed for eight years suffering from the palsy, but which town did he dwell in?
| Iconium | Lydda | Antioch | Lystra |
Where did the creature Leviathan dwell?
| Caves | Water | Trees | Mountains |
Which tribe's blessing from Jacob said they would "dwell at the haven of the sea"?
| Zebulun | Judah | Asher | Gad |
To whom did God first reveal his name as "I Am That I Am"?
In which city did Silas and Timothy meet up with Paul?
| Antioch | Rome | Corinth | Athens |
What nationality was Timothy's father?
| Roman | Jewish | Greek | Egyptian |
What does the name Timothy mean?
| honouring God | rejoicing in God | saved by God | praising God |