Matt 4:3
When Jesus was in the wilderness, what was he tempted to turn into loaves of bread?
| Stones | Serpents | Shoes | Sand |
What was Jesus tempted to turn stones into when he was in the wilderness?
| Fish | Grapes | Bread | Quail |
Jesus was tempted to turn stones into bread
| False | True |
Jesus spent ____ days and nights in the wilderness being tempted
Who fasted for 40 days upon Mt Sinai?
| David | Moses | Jesus | Elijah |
Name someone who fasted for forty days
In what town did Jesus turn water into wine?
| Cana | Jerusalem | Capernaum | Bethany |
How many jars of water did Jesus turn into wine?
| Four | Eight | Six | Ten |
Where did Jesus turn water into wine?
| A funeral in Bethany | A bar mitzvah in Bethlehem | A birthday party at Jerusalem | A wedding at Cana |
What did Moses' staff turn into?
| Flowers | Fountain of water | Serpent | Tongue of fire |