Jonah 1:2 - 'Ninevah' is popular mis-spelling, but not correct.
How long was it to be before the city Jonah had a message for was overthrown?
| 40 days | 1 year | 1 month | 1 week |
How did the city react to Jonah's message of destruction?
| They repented | They tried to kill him | They ignored him | They chased him into the desert |
What is the message of the parable that Jesus told Simon the Pharisee?
| He who has ears to hear, let him hear. | Love God with all your heart, and love your neighbour as yourself. | It's important to uphold the spirit of the law, not just the letter of the law. | He who has many debts forgiven, loves the one who forgave him more than he who has few debts forgiven. |
Which city did God ask Jonah to go to?
| Tarshish | Nineveh | Joppa | Bethlehem |
Which city did Jonah try to run to instead of going to Nineveh as God had commanded?
| Damascus | Tarshish | Babylon | Jerusalem |
After being told by God to remain in Gerar, who told the men there when questioned that his wife was merely his sister?
| Isaac | Solomon | Abraham | David |
What are believers told to "take up" if they are to follow Jesus?
| Their money | Their beds | Their faith | Their cross |
Who was told to take large stones and bury them underneath the pavement outside the entrance to Pharaoh's palace?
| Jeremiah | Moses | Isaiah | Aaron |
What message did Elijah give to Ahaziah concerning his future for inquiring of a false god?
| Would be stabbed by his servant | Plague would strike him and his family | Would never get out of bed alive | Flesh would be eaten by dogs |