This is before the exodus from Egpyt, and can be found in Exodus 3:1-2. Horeb means 'desert' or 'desolation'.
How did the angel of the Lord first appear to Moses?
| In a burning bush | In a dream | In a cloud on Mount Sinai | A man sitting by the side of the road |
How did the angel of the Lord appear to Moses?
| From within a burning bush | As a bright light in the sky | In a dream | By a well |
Which mountain do the Samaritans claim as the true mountain of God?
| Hermon | Gerizim | Sinai | Carmel |
What did Moses see burning but miraculously not consumed by the fire?
| Bush | Tent | Man | Donkey |
Who did an angel stop from sacrificing his own son on a mountain in Moriah?
| Joshua | David | Adam | Abraham |
From which mountain was Moses given a view of the Promised Land he not permitted to enter?
| Mt. Nebo | Mt. Sinai | Mt. Hermon | Mt. Hor |
On what mountain did Moses receive the the law from God?
| Mount Sinai | Mount Nebo | Mount Gerazim | Mount Moriah |
In what month of Elisabeth's pregnancy did the angel appear to Mary?
| Sixth | Fourth | Seventh | Fifth |
What did Moses name the place where he got water from the rock due to the people quarrelling with Moses and testing the Lord?
| Medeba & Misgab | Mesha & Mizraim | Migdol & Mithcah | Massah & Meribah |