Gen 19:24 - He used fire and brimstone
Who was turned into a pillar of salt when she looked back towards Sodom and Gomorrah?
| Lot's wife | Lot's sister | Lot's daughter | Lot's mother |
Gomorrah was destroyed by fire and brimstone
| False | True |
Paul and Barnabas prayed and sang hymns to God at midnight before an earthquake shook the prison
| True | False |
Who interceded for Sodom when he learned God intended to destroy the city?
| Abraham | Lot | Moses | Terah |
Which Parable is this from? : The king was angry, and he sent his troops and destroyed those murderers and burned their city.
| Ten talents | Rich fool | Marriage Feast | Unmerciful servant |
What city did Lot convince the angels to let him escape to after rescuing him from Sodom?
| Zoba | Ziph | Zoar | Zair |
A powerful earthquake is recorded as happening during the reign of which king of Judah?
| Amaziah | Uzziah | Jotham | Ahaz |
Which prisoner experienced an earthquake after his prayer?
| Joseph | Daniel | Paul | John the Baptist |
The Tower of Babel was destroyed by brimstone and fire from heaven
| False | True |
How was the city of Jericho destroyed?
| Earthquake | Walls fell down | Tidal wave | Fire from heaven |