Gen 44:2 - It was a silver cup
What silver item was placed in Benjamin's sack?
| Coin | Statue | Cup | Plate |
What did Joseph put in Benjamin's sack?
| His corn money and his silver cup | His golden statue | A brass serpent | 20 pieces of silver |
Who offered to stay behind as Joseph's servant in Egypt in place of Benjamin?
| Judah | Zebulun | Gad | Reuben |
Who was the mother of Joseph and Benjamin?
Abraham's wife bore a special son, what was his name?
| Esau | Jacob | Israel | Isaac |
Where did God send Abraham to sacrifice his special son?
| Salem | Paran | Moriah | Beersheba |
What did Abraham's special son carry to the sacrifice?
| The wood | The rope | A lamb | An altar |
What was the name of the woman who married Abraham's special son?
| Rachel | Ruth | Keturah | Rebekah |
What was the colour of the robe placed on Jesus?
| Red | Purple | Blue | White |
A crown of thorns was placed on the head of Jesus?
| False | True |