Gen 46:30
Whose donkey could see angel in the road, but he could not?
| Saul | Ahab | Balaam | Moses |
To whom did Jesus say "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God"?
| Nathanael | Nicodemus | Peter | John |
After the death of Stephen and the persecution of the church, to which city did Philip first travel?
| Judea | Samaria | Galilee | Decapolis |
Which man left his home country to travel to a land he did not know, that God would lead him to?
| Noah | Jacob | Abraham | Isaac |
How many days after sending out the first dove did Noah wait before sending it out again?
| Forty days | Seven days | Three days | Ten days |
What bird could poor people use for sacrifices if they could not afford lambs?
| Cuckoo | Pigeons | Ravens | Sparrows |
Who was the tax collector that climbed up a tree so he could see Jesus?
| Zacchaeus | Timothy | Matthew | Lazarus |