Mark 12:42
How many silver coins did the woman have in the parable of the lost coin?
| Ten | Twelve | One Hundred | Five |
What proportion of his goods did Zaccheus give away to the poor?
| Quarter | Third | All | Half |
How many times did Elijah stretch himself over the widow's dead son before he was revived?
| One | Two | Three | Four |
Judas betrayed Jesus for thirty gold coins?
| True | False |
What bird could poor people use for sacrifices if they could not afford lambs?
| Cuckoo | Pigeons | Sparrows | Ravens |
In the Bible or Not? : "Do not love sleep or you will grow poor; stay awake and you will have food to spare."
| Not | Bible |
How should we treat the rich and the poor?
| Tell the rich man to take the best seat in your house, and the poor man your footstool | Only allow the rich man to enter your house, and not the poor man | Do not judge them, but treat them impartially | Ask the rich to give of their wealth to the poor |
In the parable of the rich man and Lazarus, the poor man was carried to whose side?
| Abraham's | Isaac's | David's | Jacob's |
What was the name of the city where Elijah raised the widow's son?
| Samaria | Gilead | Zarephath | Beer-sheba |
What was the widow of Zarephath gathering when Elijah first met her?
| Eggs | Hay | Wood | Water |