There wasn't one
Lev 25:1-7 - The same was true of the Year of Jubilee
Which year is the Lord's year of release?
| 12th | 7th | 5th | 3rd |
Abraham's wife bore a special son, what was his name?
| Jacob | Israel | Esau | Isaac |
Where did God send Abraham to sacrifice his special son?
| Salem | Paran | Moriah | Beersheba |
What did Abraham's special son carry to the sacrifice?
| A lamb | The wood | An altar | The rope |
What was the name of the woman who married Abraham's special son?
| Rachel | Ruth | Keturah | Rebekah |
Joseph's special gold cup was placed in Benjamin's sack?
| True | False |
What was special about Jesus' mother?
| She was a virgin | She was a prophetess | She was beautiful | She loved God |
Who said "The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few"?
| Boaz | Jesus | Paul | Peter |
Which major feast coincided with the wheat harvest?
| Tabernacles | Pentecost | Firstfruits | Passover |
Why were the Israelites told not to gather the gleanings of the harvest?
| They were unclean | To keep the land fertile | To feed the wild animals | To provide for the poor |