Gen 41:27; Gen 45:6
The famine in Egypt during the time of Joseph lasted for 10 years
| False | True |
Name a king of Judah who reigned for more than fifty years
In the Bible or Not? : "My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever."
| Bible | Not |
In a parable told by Jesus, what did the rich man do with the surplus of crops that he grew?
| Gave them to the poor | Allowed them to rot | Built larger barns to store them | Sold them on the market |
What did Samson do the Philistines' crops after discovering his bride had been given to someone else?
| Burned them | Stole them | Ploughed them back into the ground | Trampled them |
King Zimri reigned for only seven days before killing himself
| True | False |
For how many days did darkness cover the land of Egypt during the plagues?
| 1 | 4 | 3 | 2 |
Which book of the Bible says there is a time of war and a time of peace?
| Proverbs | Psalms | Lamentations | Ecclesiastes |
During the time of Elisha's sickness what did he tell Joash to take hold of?
| Cup of milk | Seventeen fish | Bow and arrows | The writings of King David |
Who did the chief men go to visit in the Cave of Adullam during harvest time?
| Hosea | Elijah | David | Hezekiah |