For how many more years did Job live once his fortune was restored?
| 140 | 93 | 40 | 120 |
How many years did Adam live for?
| 969 years | 930 years | 600 years | 777 years |
Why did Jacob flee to live with Laban?
| He had sinned against God | He had stolen from his father | Esau wanted to kill him | Abimelech wanted his wife |
Jacob worked for Laban for fourteen years before he was given Rachel as a wife?
| False | True |
Fill in the missing number : Jacob lived in the land of Egypt for ____ years.
During Jacob's struggle with the angel, the hollow of which part of Jacob's body was touched and put out of joint?
| Ankle | Shoulder | Knee | Thigh |
How many years did the Lord add to Hezekiah's life after being healed of his sickness?
| 14 | 8 | 10 | 15 |
For how many successive years did the crops fail during the time when Joseph reigned in Egypt?
| Twelve | Ten | Seven | Two |
For how many years did the Israelites wander in the wilderness?
| 40 | 20 | 50 | 30 |