Matt 3:3 - From Isaiah 40:3
Jesus quotes a portion of text from the Old Testament in connection with the parable of the vineyard owner, The stone which the builders rejected is become the head of the corner:, but which Old Testament book did this come from?
| Psalms | Isaiah | Ezekiel | Jeremiah |
Who is the only prophet that God spoke with "face to face"?
| Moses | Ezekiel | Joshua | Samuel |
Which Old Testament prophet was given a book to eat by God?
| Amos | Daniel | Jeremiah | Ezekiel |
Which Old Testament prophet saw a man seated on a red horse in a vision?
The angel said to Mary that Jesus would reign over the house of which Old Testament character?
| Solomon | David | Abraham | Jacob |
What Old Testament prophet was a shepherd who came from Tekoa?
| Zechariah | Micah | Amos | Nahum |
Which prophet said that old men will dream and young men will see visions?
| Micah | Joel | Ezekiel | Amos |
In which wilderness region did John the Baptist preach?
| Zin | Judea | Shur | Negev |
Which important man is John the Baptist recorded as baptizing?
| Jesus | Philip | Paul | Peter |