2 Sam 21:1
The Gibeonites tricked Joshua into making a covenant of peace, but as what did he make them serve the Israelites?
| Stone-carriers and armour-bearers | Shepherds and fishermen | Brick makers and messengers | Woodcutters and water-carriers |
What did Michal place in David's bed to trick Saul's messengers into believing David was ill?
| Feathers | A pig | Sacks of potatoes | An idol |
How many men died in a plague as punishment for David's sin?
| 640000 | 100000 | 1000000 | 70000 |
Which book of the Bible says there is a time of war and a time of peace?
| Proverbs | Lamentations | Psalms | Ecclesiastes |
After the deaths of Saul and Jonathan, to which city did God tell David to move?
| Hebron | Jericho | Jerusalem | Ziklag |
What was Daniel's punishment for continuing to pray to God when Darius commanded no-one should pray to anyone except him?
| He was executed | He was beaten and thrown into a pit | He was exiled | He was thrown into a den of lions |
What punishment did God promise to anyone who killed Cain?
| Sevenfold vengeance | Constant suffering until they died | Exile from the land in which they lived | They would be consumed by fire |
What job did David first do for Saul?
| Musician | Gardener | Shepherd | Chef |
Complete the quote: "Saul has killed his thousands, but David his ___"
| Hundreds | Tens of thousands | Hundreds of thousands | Millions |
Where did David cut off the corner of Saul's cloak?
| By a river | In a cave | Under a tamerisk tree | In a forest |