The butler and the baker
Gen 40:9-19
Joseph helped interpret the dreams of a farmer and a baker while in prison?
| True | False |
When Joseph was in prison, whose dream did he correctly interpret to mean he would be restored to his job?
| Cook | Baker | Chief magician | Butler |
What did Potiphar's wife falsely accuse Joseph of which caused him to be thrown into prison?
| Rape | Theft | Murder | Blasphemy |
What did Joseph's brothers do to deceive their father to cover up that they had sold Joseph into slavery?
| Said he had been taken captive and killed | Said he had fallen into a pit | Dipped his coat in the blood of a goat | Brought back a sandal and a broken staff |
When in prison at what time did they pray & sing?
| Noon | Third watch | Midnight | Ninth hour |
Who had John the Baptist put in prison?
| Pontius Pilate | Philip | Herod | Herodias |
What was the name of the servant who answered the door after Peter escaped from prison?
| Phebe | Lois | Rhoda | Hannah |
How many times was Peter rescued from prison by an angel?
| Three | One | Four | Two |
What event occured to help release Paul and Silas from prison?
| Whirlwind | Flood | Earthquake | Riot |
What happened to the prison keeper after finding all the doors open and the prisoners unchained?
| He believed and was baptised | He killed himself | He was thrown into prison | He was brought before the governor |