When Isaiah describes the desolation of the last days, a man shall cast his idols of silver, and his idols of gold, to the moles and the what?
| Snakes | Bats | Bears | Birds |
Which king of the Northern Kingdom of Israel went to Jerusalem and stole gold, silver, vessels, treasures and took hostages?
| Jehu | Jeroboam II | Zechariah | Jehoash |
Which king had a feast using the gold and silver vessels from the temple in Jerusalem?
| Belshazzar | Nebuchadnezzar | Cyrus | Darius |
A word fitly spoken is like what of gold set in silver?
| Apples | Drops | Grapes | Figs |
How should we treat the rich and the poor?
| Do not judge them, but treat them impartially | Ask the rich to give of their wealth to the poor | Only allow the rich man to enter your house, and not the poor man | Tell the rich man to take the best seat in your house, and the poor man your footstool |
In the parable of the rich man and Lazarus, the poor man was carried to whose side?
| Jacob's | David's | Abraham's | Isaac's |
What is it easier for a camel to go through than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God?
| Eye of a needle | The gates of Jerusalem | An ear of corn | A thimble |
In a parable told by Jesus, what did the rich man do with the surplus of crops that he grew?
| Allowed them to rot | Built larger barns to store them | Sold them on the market | Gave them to the poor |
In which gospel would you find... The Rich Fool?
| Matthew | Mark | Luke | John |