Acts 12:13 - The name Rhoda means rose
What was the name of the sea that the Israelites escaped through?
| Dead Sea | Black Sea | Sea of Galilee | Red Sea |
Which prophet is quoted as having an earnest prayer for no rain answered?
| Elijah | Amos | Elisha | Hosea |
Who closed the ark door?
| Shem | God | Japheth | Noah |
Noah closed the door of the ark
| True | False |
Who escaped in a basket through a window?
| Samson | Paul | Jeremiah | Lazarus |
How many times was Peter rescued from prison by an angel?
| Four | Two | Three | One |
What was Peter's original name before he became known as Peter?
| Silas | Jonah | Simon | Paul |
To whose servant did Peter deny knowing Jesus for a third time?
| High Priest's | Caesar's | Pontius Pilate's | Centurion's |
What courtyard was Peter sitting in when he denied he knew Jesus to the servant girl?
| Temple | Garden of Gethsemane | High Priest's | Pharisees' |
What happened to the prison keeper after finding all the doors open and the prisoners unchained?
| He was thrown into prison | He killed himself | He was brought before the governor | He believed and was baptised |