1 Sam 14:27
What did Jonathan eat, despite Saul telling his troops that they were not to eat it until they were victorious?
| Milk | Honeycomb | Lamb | Bread |
What meal did the Israelites have to eat with loins girded, shoes on feet, and staff in hand?
What did Moses' staff turn into?
| Fountain of water | Tongue of fire | Serpent | Flowers |
Naaman was instructed by Elisha to dip himself in the river Jordan ____ times
Who crossed the Jordan alone with only his staff?
| Lot | Jacob | John the Baptist | Abraham |
Fearing that Saul wanted to kill him, what lie did David ask Jonathan to tell his father if asked why he wasn't at the king's table for the New Moon feast?
| He had gone to deliver an urgent message to his uncle | He was ill | He was moving his flocks to new pastures | He had gone to Bethlehem for a family gathering |
After the deaths of Saul and Jonathan, to which city did God tell David to move?
| Ziklag | Jerusalem | Jericho | Hebron |
Where did Jonathan and Ahimaaz hide to avoid Absalom's soldiers?
| Up a tree | In a cave | In a barn | In a well |
When Jonathan came across a Philistine garrison what natural phenomenon accompanied his attack?
| Thunder | Hailstones | Darkness | Earthquake |
Whose name was written on the staff of Levi?
| Moses | Eli | Eleazar | Aaron |