Luke 13
Jesus healed the man with the withered hand on the Sabbath
| False | True |
What was the man gathering on the Sabbath for which he was stoned to death?
| Straw | Barley | Grapes | Wood |
How many days were there between the Sabbath before the Feast of Firstfuits and the Feast of Weeks?
| 30 | 90 | 12 | 50 |
Keeping the Sabbath was which of the Ten Commandments?
| 5th | 3rd | 4th | 6th |
Which day of creation included God making night separate from day?
| Third | First | Second | Fourth |
True or False: According to Joel, the Day of the Lord would be a day of cheerfulness and light.
| True | False |
How many years has the woman with the issue of blood suffered for before she was healed by Jesus?
| 17 years | 20 years | 19 years | 12 years |
What did Jesus command the group of lepers to do after he healed them?
| Show themselves to the priest | Wash in the Pool of Siloam | Proclaim it to all | Tell no one |
Out of the ten lepers Jesus healed, what nationality was the one who returned to thank him?
| Roman | Jew | Assyrian | Samaritan |
In John Chapter 9, Jesus healed a blind man using what method?
| He made clay using dust and spit, which he placed on the man's eyes | He rubbed his head | He healed him from a long distance | He said, "you are healed." |