John 19:33 - Jesus had already died by then so the soldiers didn't need to break his legs
The legs of the lame hanging limp are the equivalent of what in the mouth of fools?
| Message | Parable | Secret | Gossip |
In the time of the Judges, civil war broke out against which tribe?
| Naphtali | Zebulun | Benjamin | Dan |
The soldiers hit Jesus over the head with a stick?
| False | True |
The clothes of Jesus were divided among the soldiers five ways?
| False | True |
Mary, after the resurrection, initially mistook Jesus for one of the Roman soldiers?
| True | False |
The soldiers were bribed to say that the disciples had stolen the body of Jesus?
| False | True |
What colour robe did Pilate's soldiers put on Jesus?
| Brown | White | Purple | Blue |
What story were the soldiers told to tell to explain how Jesus disappeared from the tomb?
| He didn't actually die and escaped | The Sadducees stole him | The disciples stole him | He came back to life and walked away |
Where did Jonathan and Ahimaaz hide to avoid Absalom's soldiers?
| In a barn | In a well | In a cave | Up a tree |
How many of the Benjamite soldiers remained after their battle with Israel?
| 600 | 20000 | 3000 | 10 |