Plague of Darkness
Exodus 10:21 - Like the third and sixth plagues, this plague was unannounced to Pharaoh. The darkness was an insult to the Egyptian sun-god Ra (or Re).
The fifth trumpet in Revelation is a plague which was also a plague upon Egpyt in Exodus. Which one?
| Death of the firstborn | Darkness | Locusts | Hail |
The tenth plague upon Egypt was the death of the firstborn
| True | False |
What was the first plague upon Egpyt?
| Death of the first born | Water into blood | Frogs | Locusts |
What was the first plague the Lord sent on Egypt?
| Water turned into blood | Plague of lice | Plague of frogs | Darkness |
One of the ten plagues of Egypt was the plague of boils, but which number was it?
| Sixth | Fourth | Fifth | Seventh |
The 9th plague on Egypt was darkness
| False | True |
Who brought a curse upon Israel by taking the spoils of war dedicated to God from Jericho?
| Abihu | Achan | Achish | Anub |
What was the first of the ten plagues upon Egypt?
| Water into blood | Death of the firstborn | Hail | Darkness |
God sent ____ plagues upon Egypt before Pharaoh let the Israelites go