Gen 11:29
What did Abram tell Sarai to say to the Egyptians about their relationship?
| That they were strangers | That she was his sister | That they were married | That she was his servant |
What happened to Pharaoh’s household after he took Sarai?
| They were blessed with wealth | They became rulers over Canaan | They were struck with great plagues | They prospered greatly |
What was the name of the woman who married Abraham's special son?
| Keturah | Ruth | Rachel | Rebekah |
Which king of Judah was married to the daughter of the king of Israel?
| Ahaz | Manasseh | Jehoram | Azariah |
Which married couple did Paul become friends with at Corinth?
| Ananias and Sapphira | Aquila and Priscilla | Peter and Mary | Jason and Lydia |
Which two sisters married Jacob?
| Rachel and Leah | Hagar and Kehirah | Rebekah and Leah | Martha and Mary |