Gen 13:18 - They were in Hebron
Who were the only two Israelites who left Egypt and were allowed to enter the Promised Land?
| Moses and Aaron | Moses and Joshua | Joshua and Caleb | Aaron and Miriam |
What did Jonathan eat, despite Saul telling his troops that they were not to eat it until they were victorious?
| Bread | Honeycomb | Milk | Lamb |
Seven fat and seven thin of what animals appeared to Pharoah in Egypt?
| Horses | Cattle | Goats | Sheep |
"Now these are the names of the children of Israel, which came into Egypt" is the first line of which book?
| Numbers | 1 Kings | 1 Chronicles | Exodus |
What was the first of the ten plagues upon Egypt?
| Darkness | Death of the firstborn | Water into blood | Hail |
Who was the first King of Egypt to be called by name instead of Pharaoh?
| Shishak | Adom | Ramses | Tutankhamun |
God sent ____ plagues upon Egypt before Pharaoh let the Israelites go
What was the first plague the Lord sent on Egypt?
| Plague of lice | Darkness | Water turned into blood | Plague of frogs |